Dedicated to Apple CarPlay and the technology that enhances your life

CarPlay Life is an automotive and technology review website & YouTube channel.

Founded and run by Anthony, a tech enthusiast, blogger and reviewer for over 20 years in the game and tech industry.  CarPlay Life covers automotive products to various technology and gadgets that enhance our daily lives.

My Reviews

My review process includes using the product for at least a week, to understand what it can and cannot do. I then write up a script covering my overview of the product, what comes in the box, how to install or use it, where to buy it, and finally my genuine impressions of the product.

My review is free from bias, but products are usually supplied for free and I try my best to be free from bias and review the product as if I have purchased it myself. I do not take on favourable reviews, and reviewing for free allows me the mindset to be honest in my opinion and take the time to really learn about the product before airing my views and opinions on it. 

Affiliated links run throughout my product review content, because this is how I earn for the time it takes to review the product, write the script, shoot the video, edit the video and run SEO marketing on the published content. If a product cannot have commission earned from a sale, I then discuss a product review fee. Usually, reviews are funded on referral sale commission.

I like to review all kinds of technology products, but having an interest in the product helps, as does the audience it will be aired towards. So If you would like to reach a large audience of over 170,000+ readers/viewers per month, please get in touch below and tell me about your product/s.


Below are just a few of the key personnel that run this well oiled ship!

Anthony BarkerEditor-in-chief

Jonasson LochnerEditor & Social

Orsolya JakabMarketing & SEO

The Community

I have built up a fantastic and enthusiastic  community and followers, that span across all corners of the globe. 

So come join our tech adventure by subscribing to our RSS feed, following us on Twitter, and Instagram, like us on Facebook or watch us on YouTube and have the latest tech news and information at your fingertips!

You’ll find us posting regular content on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram as well as on the CarPlay Reddit channel as u/CarPlayLife.

Watch ME on YouTube

For more first-impressions, previews and reviews of CarPlay and technology, please do like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Contact Me

If you wish to contribute to this site with review products or you have a press release, announcement or sponsorship request, please do get in touch via my contact form.


I do not reply to tech support, help or compatability enquiries. These take a lot of my time and you are much better off contacting an installer or the maker of the product instead.

Please don’t waste your time!